Moving Forward at Galilee Centre

Many members of our community have questions about the sale of the land and the ongoing operations at Galilee Centre. Below are answers to some of those questions.

Have a question that is not answered here? Please email, and we will continue to update this FAQ page as information becomes available. 

Important documents:

  1. OMI Lacombe Ministry Announcement – Sept 6, 2023
  2. Land Sale Announcement – July 6, 2024
  3. Statement from the Mayor of Arnprior – Sept 6, 2024
  4. Requesting Assistance from the Galilee Community – September 18, 2024

New FAQs updated – March 14, 2025

1. Can we see a map of the area that has been sold? 

guideline map of Galilee Centre Property Sale

This map provides an outline of the property retained by Galilee Centre, retained by OMI Lacombe Canada, and sold to Cavanagh Communities. This information is for guideline purposes only, and it is not specifically accurate to the property boundaries.  Note: The whole of the Gillies Grove is not shown on the map, it extends off the left side of the map. None of the Gillies Grove property is involved in the sale.

2. What is happening with the cemetery? 

  • The property where the cemetery is located is not part of the Galilee Centre lands and is retained by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI Lacombe Canada). Any questions regarding the cemetery can be directed to the OMI Lacombe Canada office at

3. What is happening with the gardens?

  • The community gardens (on the south side of the drive) are part of the property that has been sold to Cavanagh Communities. Gardeners will be able to complete the 2025 growing season. The Seniors’ (SALC) gardens behind the barn are retained by Galilee Centre and will remain in operation.   The Hope Garden and Reminiscing Garden near Martha’s Cottage are part of the property that has been sold. The raised beds from the Hope Garden will be moved to the retained property after the 2024 growing season. Additional information will be provided to the gardeners directly as it becomes available. 

4. What is the timeline for development? 

  • Galilee Centre is not privy to this information. Cavanagh Communities is undertaking its due diligence and looks forward to consulting with the community as they develop their plans. 

5. What does the sale of property to Cavanagh Communities mean for regular operations at Galilee Centre?

  • Galilee Centre regular operations will continue as usual. For example, Galilee Centre will continue to welcome hosted groups and private retreatants, as well as offer programs and organize events throughout the year. The Board of Directors will assume total control and ownership of the retained land and buildings. 

6. Is the money from the sale helping with the operating costs and support of Galilee Centre? 

  • The money from the sale of the property is being used solely to secure the retained property from OMI Lacombe Canada. OMI Lacombe Canada receives all money from the sale of the property. Income from Galilee Centre programs, hosting groups, community bookings and  continued fundraising will be used for the operational costs of running and maintaining the Centre. 

7. Who owns the Harrington Street entrance to the Gillies Grove?

  • The entrance to the Gillies Grove from Harrington Street, is on the Galilee property and is part of the land that has been sold to Cavanagh Communities. The Gillies Grove property begins at the end of the fence line of the house on the west side of the entrance. 

8.  When will there by public meetings?

  • As more information becomes available about the future of Galilee Centre, we plan to hold public information sessions to answer your questions. Please check our website for updates about these future sessions.

9. Were there other purchasers considered for the purchase of a section of the Galilee lands?

  • Yes, many conversations with major stakeholders in Arnprior were held between September 2023 and March 2024 concerning the purchase of a section of the Galilee lands or financial donations to secure the lands. None of the conversations resulted in either land purchase agreements or financial donations that would result in Galilee Centre being able to continue its operations. Only after all these conversations were exhausted did the Board of Galilee Centre decide to reach out to developers in March 2024. Cavanagh Communities was the successful purchaser.

10. Was the Arnprior Hospital approached about the purchase of the property?

  • Yes, the Arnprior Hospital was approached by Galilee Centre about the purchase of a section of the property (about 15 acres). A significant number of conversations between October and March were held with the Arnprior Hospital. These conversations did not result in a sale that satisfied all parties concerned.

11. Was the Nature Conservancy of Canada contacted?

  • The Nature Conservancy of Canada sent an email to Galilee Centre in September 2023 expressing interest to purchase “portions of the property near Gillies Grove.” Although this option was considered it was determined that it would not provide sufficient monetary return to be able to continue the operations of Galilee Centre. No follow-up from the Nature Conservancy of Canada presenting other options was made between September and March.

12. I heard about a group called ‘Save The Grove Again’ and they were talking about Galilee Centre. What has this group got to do with Galilee Centre?

  • We received notice about the formation of this group in early August. As far as we know the group is concerned about the potential impact the future development of a section of the Galilee Centre lands might have on the Gillies Grove. They are also concerned about loss of the recreational use of this section of land – which has been sold to Cavanagh Communities.
    • i) Galilee Centre has always aspired to be a good community partner and corporate citizen. The lands owned by Galilee Centre are private lands. However, Galilee Centre has generously allowed some public use of our private lands for walking, hiking, tennis and community gardens over the years.
    • ii) Cavanagh Communities, that has purchased a section of the Galilee Centre lands, have undertaken environmental impact studies and have engaged professionals to produce a report and these studies will be available to the public. There is no development in Gillies Grove itself.

13. Isn’t Gillies Grove owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada and legally protected from any development as such?

  • Yes, Gillies Grove is owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Gillies Grove is legally protected from any building development, now and in the future. The privately owned land purchased by Cavanagh Communities from Galilee Centre is not part of Gillies Grove. The privately owned Galilee Centre land is designated as “Future Development” in the Official Plan for the Town of Arnprior. “Future Development” includes a range of residential options. Cavanagh Communities have indicated they look forward to consulting with the public on their plans when they become available.

14. Has the ‘Save The Grove Again’ group been in touch with Galilee Centre about their concerns?

  • The Board of Directors of Galilee Centre received a written submission from this group at the end of August, mentioning the group’s environmental and recreational concerns. The Board of Directors gave careful consideration to the submission and felt it was out of the Board’s scope of authority to address these concerns at this time. Public concerns about the environmental impact of potential development can only be addressed by Cavanagh Communities in their development plan once their impact assessment has been completed. The Board of Directors communicated this to the “Save The Grove Again” group and thanked them for their submission.

15. I’ve been reading the speculative comments online about the potential environmental impact of a development beside the old growth forest. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to provide some kind of buffer between the development and the trees?

  • The environmental impact studies are part of the due diligence by Cavanagh Communities and will be available to the public through the application process to the Town of Arnprior.

16. I read somewhere that the due diligence period for Cavanagh Communities was to expire on September 16th but I haven’t heard anything since that date. What is going on with the due diligence date?

  • The due diligence period that was scheduled to end on Monday, September 16th has been extended because of matters typical of a development proposal of this nature to be addressed.

17. Did ‘Save The Grove Again’ group have anything to do with an extension of the due diligence date?

  • No, the due diligence extension had nothing to do with any activity of the ‘Save The Grove Again’ group.

18. When will Cavanagh Communities waive conditions following the due diligence period?

  • Cavanagh Communities has now waived all conditions and has completed their due diligence process. 

19. Has Galilee Centre received notice of a meeting of the Committee of Adjustments for severance of the Galilee Centre lands?

  • Yes, the Town of Arnprior recently set this meeting for February 5, 2025. Additional information can be found on the Town of Arnprior’s website:

20. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT: Severance of Galilee Centre Land

  • i. We are well aware that this is Galilee Centre’s application to sever but does
    Cavanagh Communities have a role in this public meeting of the Committee
    of Adjustment?
    • While obviously a very interested observer at the public meeting, Cavanagh
      Communities does not have an official role.
  • ii. Why no official role when they are the purchasers of the site in question?
    • The public hearing of the Committee of Adjustment is to consider the severance
      of a parcel of land for the creation of a new lot, for future development. The
      application is submitted by Galilee Centre as current owners of the land and if
      successful, will be selling to Cavanagh Communities.
  • iii. Will a decision on the severance application be made on the same day as the
    • There are three possibilities; the committee can make a decision on the
      application at the public meeting; it can adjourn the public meeting to another
      date if additional information is required; or it can reserve its decision and issue it
      at a later date.
  • iv. If no decision at the public meeting, when would the decision be made?
    • The Planning Act requires a decision on a consent application be made within
      90 days of receipt of a complete application.
  • v. Is the Committee of Adjustment the final decision-maker on a severance
    • The decision of the Committee of Adjustment is final unless there is an appeal
  • vi. Who can appeal the decision?
    • The decision can be appealed by the applicant, the Minister, a specified person
      or public body as defined under the Planning Act.
  • vii. Will Galilee Centre be working with Cavanagh Communities in any part of the
    • As the current application for severance is submitted by Galilee Centre only a
      representative attending on behalf of Galilee Centre is required to attend.
  • viii. What happens if a member of the public asks to have a question directed to
    Cavanagh Communities instead of the Galilee Centre?
    • As the current application is submitted on behalf of Galilee Centre for a single
      lot severance, questions can be directed to the applicant or Town staff. Any
      questions regarding a potential future purchaser and/or their plans (if any) for the
      subject property would not be questions or comments on the current application
      and will therefore not be redirected or answered.
  • xi. Does the Arnprior Town Council have any involvement or connection to this
    hearing and this application?
    • As the Committee of Adjustment acts as an independent committee, there is no
      direct connection. However, a member of Town Council – County Councillor Dan
      Lynch – is also a member of the Committee of Adjustment.
  • x. At the time of the purchase, Cavanaugh Communities was a little vague about
    their development plans for this site. Are they any closer to final
    development plans?
    • That is Cavanagh’s question to answer.

21. Did the Committee of Adjustment approve the application for the severance of the Galilee Centre land?  

  • Yes, the Committee of Adjustment approved the application. The sale of the severed piece of land is expected to close with Cavanagh Communities by the end of April 2025.