Overnight Accommodations


$78.75 single room, $103.90 double room, one night

$72.80 single room, $97.25 double room, two-six nights

$65.70 single room, $91.25 double room, seven or more nights.

$77.80 Sabbath single, 5-6 nights.

$70.70 Sabbath single, seven or more nights.

$102.25 Sabbath double, 5-6 nights.

$96.25 Sabbath double, seven or more nights.

What to bring:

Bring your toiletries, medicines and indoor shoes or slippers. We recommend that you bring an extra sweater.  While generally more comfortable, a boiler heated system can be slower to respond to adjustments.

What not to bring:

Galilee provides bedding (sheets, towels, blankets, pillows, and pillow cases) and soap. As many of our guests are sensitive to odours and chemicals, we ask that you not bring perfumes, incense or scented toiletries. Candles are not permitted in the bedrooms.  Please ask us for our specific restrictions on candle use elsewhere in the facility.