Position: Board Director


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The Governance and Nomination Committee of Galilee Centre’s Board of Directors is seeking skilled and passionate individuals as Galilee Centre enters an exciting and transformative phase.
The Galilee Board of Directors is a group of diverse individuals who exhibit strong leadership and ethical behaviour, share Galilee’s values and support its mission.  Read about Galilee’s Mission here. As a collective, the Board contributes its varied skills to the work and success of Galilee Centre.  

Galilee is currently in an exciting transition to a self-governing structure. Integral to this period of transformation and launch of our new strategic direction, is the engagement of passionate and talented individuals to join our Board of Directors. If you feel you can bring work experience, volunteer capacity and a Catholic faith perspective, and would be motivated by proactive engagement, this is a governance opportunity you may not want to miss!
As a board member, you will play a crucial role in guiding our organization through strategic options with clarity and determinedness. You will be instrumental in shaping initiatives that will be impactful and key to forming Galilee’s path ahead. 

We acknowledge that the land on which Galilee Centre stands is on the Ottawa River Watershed and is the traditional and unceded lands of the Algonquin Peoples. We are dedicated to growing in the spirit of reconciliation and ensuring that the United Nations Declaration on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples is acknowledged, respected and implemented.


What Expertise Can You Bring?

Our board is composed of individuals with a wide range of skills and experience. We are currently looking to enhance this skill set by recruiting several Directors to serve in working to accomplish successful Board initiatives. Your leadership and communications skills will be tested in real time as we move rapidly into our strategic future. We are currently, or in the foreseeable future, looking for:

  • Governance experience: non-profit or business environment, willing to lead.
  • Program expertise: capability to design, develop and deliver successful, cost-effective and attractive programs that directly impact Galilee’s success.
  • People resource management: practical experience in skills development, human resource policy, mentorship, performance management and training programs.
  • Property management: visionary stewardship of beautiful paths, restful spaces, forest, beach and century-old structures. 
  • Finance, Accounting and Risk Management: financial (including accounting) acumen and an understanding of organizational risk management principles and practices. A professional accounting or auditing designation is preferred.
  • Communications experience: Demonstrable experience working with small and large target audiences to impactfully generate engagement, response and client loyalty. IT application, systems security and social media skillsets are definite assets.
  • Legal/ Regulatory experience: Practical legal background in governance documentation is desirable.
  • Regional insights: While Galilee Centre defines its catchment area as the Eastern Ontario Triangle*, we are looking to broaden our reach to English-language populations within a half-day drive. That includes the GTA and other large centres. So don’t let distance stop you from applying for this virtual / hybrid volunteer opportunity.

These positions offer a unique prospect to have a meaningful impact, including the leading committee work or contributing on independent projects as needed.


How will the organization benefit?

The Board’s role is to provide leadership, manage risk, and oversee operations and guide Galilee towards successful strategic outcomes. Your involvement and contribution to Galilee are built on: 

  • Term: Serve at least one three-year volunteer term, with the willingness and capacity to serve a subsequent three-year term, for a maximum of 6 years.
  • Time Commitment: 4-6 hours each month for Board and Committee activities. Time requirements may vary depending on specific initiatives and committee needs.
  • Board Meetings: Board meetings are mostly held monthly and attendance at the Annual General Meeting (hybrid) as well as the annual onsite Orientation Day is required. Meetings are usually virtual, but may include on-site or hybrid formats. 
  • Committees: Board Committees meet about 9 times per year and ad hoc committees meet as needed.
  • Digital Proficiency: Strong computer and office technology skills are a must to be able to participate effectively and ensure business agendas are unhampered. Virtual meetings necessitate robust and rapid internet connections.
  • Active Participation: Feedback, respectful debate, roll-up-the-sleeves action and clear decision-making underpin Board projects.
  • Demonstrated Faith-based Service: Galilee is a spiritually aware organization where Board volunteers engage through a well-formed Catholic Christian perspective. Directors promote a deepened spiritual engagement for self and others. 


What Key Things Should You Know about Galilee Centre?

The Centre

  • Is a relatively small organization with an operating budget of about $0.75 million, with land, buildings and a scenic waterfront which is the envy of the neighbourhood! 
  • [*] Defines its catchment area as the “Eastern Ontario Triangle” described by the line of a) Pembroke-Ottawa-Cornwall, b) Cornwall-Brockville Kingston, and c) Kingston-Pembroke, and thereby includes those municipalities such as Perth, Smiths Falls, Carleton Place, Kemptville, Almonte/Mississippi Mills and, of course, Galilee’s hometown of Arnprior among its client areas. 
  • Is a 40-year-old, not-for-profit corporation with a charitable designation with CRA. 
  • Is governed by a small 8-10 member Policy Board which is accountable to the Membership of Galilee Centre and accountable for operational results managed by an Executive Director.
  • Has about a 1:1 ratio of staff to Directors based on seasonal activity. 
  • Is a retreat organization where Catholic values are core.
  • Offers programs, services and facilities that are open to all, whether of a faith orientation (churched or un-churched), people of no-faith and people of various ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds, in an open, Christian-oriented manner. 

The Board

  • Strives to achieve gender parity in Board composition.
  • Reaches out to Indigenous communities in Eastern Ontario to recruit individuals, that self-identify in their applications. (Note: Indigenous identity validation with applicable Nation(s) will be required). 
  • Works tirelessly to include persons with disabilities and other advocates for marginal communities, committed to our Mission, in our governance ranks. (Note: please advise us if you need accommodation during recruitment so we can ensure a barrier-free process).
  • Looks to include Board representation from as large a geographical area as practical.
  • Uses a “Board-Buddy” system to support all new Directors. 


How will this opportunity benefit me as a successful candidate? 

  • You will be working in a professional but collegial atmosphere, where you can build up your networking and communications muscles
  • You will be partnering with highly skilled and motivated Directors who freely and caringly share their skills and knowledge
  • You will be learning about aspects of Retreat Centre operations that gives you a niche qualification for future volunteer or employment opportunities in Christian environments or similar markets.
  • You will earn the gratitude of a large community which has been served by Galilee for over forty years
  • You will build lasting friendships that will cement your volunteer heart to noble and rewarding outcomes


 How do I apply?

Send your resumé and a short cover letter in a common document format (MS-Word, Pages, PDF) to the email address below, letting us know:

  • Why you would like to serve on Galilee’s Board.
  • What special skills, resources or perspectives you can bring to our Board.
  • What you hope to accomplish as a Galilee Board member.

Send your resume and cover letter to: 🖅 director@galileecentre.com.

Would you like to have a conversation with us? Send us your phone number and a Board Director will contact you.