A Guided Silent Retreat for Advent
November 26-28, 2021
Facilitator and Guide: Helene Goulet and the COEO Team
You are Invited to come away and pause awhile for a 2-day period in the silence of community prayer, in the silence of nature, in the silence of the heart opening to Advent Hope.
Helene Goulet is a certified spiritual guide and trainer for Contemplative Outreach of Eastern Ontario and West Quebec, a chapter of Contemplative Outreach: an international and interdenominational network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. The mission of COEO is to provide retreats, weekly prayer groups and other resources that nurture the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in daily life.
Cost: Single: $310; Double: $285
ScheduleTo register for in-residence attendance, please contact Galilee Centre @ 613-623-4242 ext 21 or info@galileecentre.com