Welcome to Galilee Centre
We are HIRING!
Galilee Centre is now hiring, check out our Job Opportunities page for details and application instructions.
Regarding the Future of Galilee Centre
Canadians for a Synodal Church is live!
Galilee Centre is now hosting the Canadians for a Synodal Church event.
The Zoom meeting will open as of 6:15 pm (Eastern Time).
We ask that participants stay muted, camera use is optional. The event will be recorded and a link to the recording will be distributed to all
registered participants within a week of the event.
We are delighted to have over 300 registered participants; please recognize that we may not have the time to address everyone’s questions during the session but we encourage you to share them with our moderator via the chat function.
Situated next to an old growth forest overlooking the Ottawa River, Galilee Centre is a welcoming holistic spiritual life centre that is an oasis of peace, care and comfort.
Sponsored by OMI Lacombe, our mission is to provide an environment, programs and services which nurture people’s personal and spiritual growth, enabling them to contribute to a healthier world.

Spirituality Message
News From Galilee Centre
We have a wide range of programs and events coming up including a Games Night Fundraiser in support of the Arnprior Public Library, the Easter Sunday Bruch and the Spring Contemplative Retreat: “Opening to the Heartbreak of the World.” Monthly Eucharist Services will resume in May, with Fr. Richard Kelly, OMI, Galilee’s Chaplain.
Click here for our full newsletter.
Are you receiving our e-newsletters? They provide updates on programs and events from Galilee Centre and the wider community. Whether you are looking for a time of retreat, if you are part of a group seeking a place to gather, or are needing to be feed spiritually (or physically!) there are many reasons to come to Galilee. We hope to welcome you soon. Click here to be added to our mailing list.
Over the past few years, in partnership with the Centre Oblat, the Star of the North Retreat House, and Queen’s House Retreat Centre (closed July 2024), a series of speaker panels was convened to discuss the Synodal Process in Canada and beyond. The video of the November 20, 2024 panel discussion is now available, along with the PowerPoint presentations from the speakers Fr. Ray Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar of the Archdiocese of Montreal, Sr. Elizabeth Davis, rsm, Sisters of Mercy, Newfoundland. and Bob Czerny, member of St. Basil’s Catholic Parish, Ottawa, ON.
Click here for more information on the Synod and to view the videos of the previous speaker panel events.